Here is the profile of our little man! He decided he was going to lay face down in my stomach that morning so the ultrasound tech, couldn't get a good picture of his face.
Here are the bottoms of his little feet!
It is definitely a boy!!
Here is another one of his foot.
We were so excited about our appointment last week. We were thrilled to know that baby is healthy and growing great! We were so shocked when she told us that it's a boy! For some reason Nick and I both had it in our heads that the baby was going to be a girl, surprise!! Nick and I are so excited to be having a little boy and absolutely cannot wait until May to meet him.
This weekend we made a trip to Babies R Us to get our registry started. I was so overwhelmed at everything there was to decide on. I started doing research a couple weeks ago on things like strollers, car seats, swings, etc. There were also so many adorable little clothes there, I would have bough him one of everything if I could :) All of the little summer clothes are out already which is perfect for us since he will hopefully be born Memorial Day weekend. Here is a picture of the couple little onesies we got him. You can't read the writing on them but some of them say "Future Quarterback", "Handsome like Daddy", and "Property of Mom".
I have been feeling pretty great overall still, the heartburn has hit with full force and I am still a bit tired every now and then. Nick and I have been going to the gym 3-4 times a week still and I am hoping his will help me be able to bounce back after having the little guy. I can't believe how fast this is starting to go, I am starting to feel overwhelmed with things that need to be done! We haven't even started on the nursery but that is the next project. I have still been feeling lots of kicks and movement and I enjoy every minute of it!
Here is a picture of me at 22 weeks, I feel a lot bigger than I look for some reason. My cheeks are starting to become quite chubby..
Breanna Sherrow came by my office the other day and we were talking about you two! I truly cannot think of a better pair to be raising a little boy. After all, you are great role models! I'm enjoying the opportunity to experience your journey vicariously.