Sunday, January 9, 2011

20 weeks: Halfway!!!!!

It is hard to believe that I am already halfway through this pregnancy!  Lately, time has been going so fast.

The past two weeks I have been feeling the baby move!  At first I wasn't quite sure what it was.  It kind of felt like just gas bubbles in my stomach.  But the more that it kept happening the more I could tell what it was!  I have only felt actual kicks a couple times and I could actually feel them with my hand on my stomach from the outside!  The first time I felt it was at about 4 one morning when I turned over in bed.  Just about 4 taps is all I felt then it went away!  It was pretty awesome!  I look forward to being able to feel them more often!  Nick didn't get to feel it and he is excited to feel it for the first time too!  

Only one week until I have my next sonogram at the doctors!  Nick and I are both so excited to see the baby and to make sure he/she is nice and healthy!  Oh yea, and hopefully we will find out whether baby Gehrts is a boy or a girl! :)  

1 comment:

  1. I cannot wait to find out what you two are having!!!! I think it's a boy :)
